Why Do All Businesses Need to Use Email Verification?

In recent days, in the age of new technologies, there are many ways to create an email address. The most popular way is via a free web-based host such as Yahoo and Gmail. Although a free email address is necessary and provides a cost-effective way for communications, it can also be used improperly for spamming and sending unsolicited emails. Since creating an email address is so easy, businesses can find it very difficult to differentiate between a temporary and a real, active email address. Due to this, most reputable businesses will take action to validate email addresses prior to running ongoing communications with their potential customers to avoid being accused of spam.

Verifying email lists should be one of the first steps a business takes before designing a complete marketing strategy. Not only does it get you started off in a positive way with your potential customers but it also ensures that they receive important messages after they choose to join your email list and ultimately engage with your business opportunities.

Why do businesses need to verify email addresses?

There are many reasons for businesses to verify email addresses, some of which are explained below.

Gain more authentic sales opportunities

Email verification means accurate contact details which opens up more marketing opportunities. This is because your customers are opening your messages in a consistent way and this will result in highly targeted sales opportunities now and in the future.

Avoid wasting time and money on invalid email addresses

In any business, a lot of time and money is invested into marketing strategies, which includes email marketing campaigns. As your business grows, you will likely collect a large amount of data and email addresses through multiple channels and marketing strategies. Invalid email addresses can end up representing a large part of your information database meaning that important information is never received by your customers. This will include order confirmations, targeted messages, and other important data you want to make sure your customers will receive.

Gain and retain real customers

Sometimes people may enter temporary or disposable email addresses to opt in to your business list. By verifying email address business principals ensure that they are communicating with a real customer and an individual who has volunteered their information to receive email.

So how do businesses verify email addresses easy and fast?

Well, the easiest and proper way is through the use of email verification services. Email verification services that operate online start authenticating the email address at the point of capture or the signup process. By verifying the information the consumer enters, the service uses its processing technology helping the customer correct any typos.

As your customer email list grows over time, an email verification service allows you to enter email addresses to verify that they are still active. The email verification service communicates with a large database of email addresses to easily provide you with the information you need to keep your customer email list current and verified. If you want to find out more about how email verification services work, check out our blog post.

Nowadays, all businesses need to verify their customers' email addresses before they start communicating or sending them any business or marketing emails in order to get a better response rate and avoid any hard bounces resulting from incorrect or bad emails.

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