Larisa Barbu

Larisa Barbu

3 Reasons To Clean Your Email List

You are new in this field. You just started gathering emails or maybe you just bought your first email list and you hurried into sending your first newsletter out. Your reports came back with a high bounce rate. What a bummer! 😱 Now, let me tell you that this is one

9 Ways To Reduce Email Bounce Rate

1. 👀 Train your front-lines to confirm the email addresses they are gathering.If you are gathering emails on your website, use a solution that sends out on your user’s email address a confirmation link. By clicking the link, he confirms that the email address is correct, that no typos

How To Remove Bounce From An Email List

RemoveBounce is an easy to use service to clean your email lists. Just click on the ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Login’ button on the right-hand side. You will be directed to a login/sign-up page. Fill in your details or sign-up/log in with Google. Once you logged in, upload your

Hard Bounces vs Soft Bounces and How To Remove Them

What’s the difference between Hard Bounces and Soft Bounces?Navigating marketing jargon is not an easy feat, especially at the beginning, so here is a simple explanation. Hard bounces are Permanent. Hard bounces = bad. Soft bounces are Temporary. Soft bounces = not so bad, but not good either. When do
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